- 497,948 total downloads
- last updated 2/8/2022
- Latest version: 3.0.0
.NET classes that enables parsing and validation of Swedish identities such as Personal Identity Number (svenskt personnummer) in .NET. -
- 190,227 total downloads
- last updated 1/23/2025
- Latest version: 10.1.0
API client that enables an application to call Swedish BankID's (svenskt BankIDs) REST API in .NET. -
- 141,216 total downloads
- last updated 1/23/2025
- Latest version: 10.1.0
ASP.NET authentication module that enables an application to support Swedish BankID's (svenskt BankIDs) authentication workflow. -
- 63,129 total downloads
- last updated 1/23/2025
- Latest version: 10.1.0
Core functionality to support Swedish BankID's (svenskt BankIDs) authentication workflow. -
- 61,122 total downloads
- last updated 2/19/2022
- Latest version: 3.0.0
Validation attributes that enables an application to validate Swedish identities such as Personal Identity Number (svenskt personnummer) in ASP.NET Core. -
- 55,980 total downloads
- last updated 1/23/2025
- Latest version: 10.1.0
QR code generation for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore using the QRCoder library. -
- 52,015 total downloads
- last updated 1/23/2025
- Latest version: 10.1.0
Device detection for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore using UA Parser. -
- Deprecated
- 46,222 total downloads
- last updated 4/28/2022
- Latest version: 5.0.0
Azure KeyVault integrations for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore. -
- Deprecated
- 43,108 total downloads
- last updated 4/28/2022
- Latest version: 5.0.0
QR code generation for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore using the QRCoder library. -
- Deprecated
- 35,871 total downloads
- last updated 10/27/2020
- Latest version: 4.0.0
API client that enables an application to call GrandID's (Svensk E-identitet) REST API in .NET. -
- 34,576 total downloads
- last updated 1/23/2025
- Latest version: 10.1.0
Azure KeyVault integrations for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore. -
- 31,668 total downloads
- last updated 1/23/2025
- Latest version: 10.1.0
Azure Monitor (Application Insights) integrations for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore. -
- 30,834 total downloads
- last updated 2/19/2023
- Latest version: 3.1.0
.NET classes that provide Swedish personal identity numbers test data. -
- Deprecated
- 29,774 total downloads
- last updated 10/27/2020
- Latest version: 4.0.0
ASP.NET Core authentication module that enables an application to support GrandID's (Svensk E-identitet) authentication workflow. -
- Deprecated
- 20,887 total downloads
- last updated 4/28/2022
- Latest version: 5.0.0
Device detection for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore using UA Parser. -
- Deprecated
- 17,126 total downloads
- last updated 4/28/2022
- Latest version: 5.0.0
Azure Monitor (Application Insights) integrations for ActiveLogin.Authentication.BankId.AspNetCore.